Lets face it, we are all sick of paying power bills and want more freedom, this is where solar and battery systems come in. If you want to reduce your carbon footprint or just your reliance on the energy retailers for your electricity then solar power is the way to go and a battery will increase your energy self-sufficiency ever without solar PV, you can just buy your power low and use it when prices are high.
Even a small system can help to reduce your electricity bills and there are still certificates to gain rebates available. In NSW there are incentives for new battery installations so now is the perfect time to look at solar and batteries.
Australia has the most rooftop solar systems of any country and many people have been producing their own electricity for years.
Integreen Electrical installed its first Solar system back in 2009 and there is a massive difference between the systems back then and now.
We can help you to navigate the best system for your current needs and budget.